Tuesday 7 May 2013

Ray Clift - Google+

Ray Clift - Google+


  1. My published books ar with Ginninderra Press(print novellas-- several are published and another one comes out in September.I have signed a contract with My Ink Books (Canada) for two Ebooks which should be out mid year. The Titles are THE ODSYSSEY 0F JEN LAWRENCE. An historical Novel 72000 words and ECHOES OF REMEMBRANCE 28000 words. Modernized version of Samson and Delilah,Mention of these are in my website-- face book http://ray-s-published-books 560.webnode.com.

  2. who is not sick of the election speeches. I usually vote labour but they seem to be on a losing streak.however never knew the Conservatives to help the arts too much----ever---- and they did'nt get us out of the mess with the world collapse. I probably will vote for the independents...keep the bastards honest.

  3. I wish to apologize for some errors.The lights went out because of rain and I misspelled some words. Blog on 12/5 missed e on are -first line-ODYSSEY --IS THE CORRECT SPELLING.

    Cheers again Ray

  4. I am looking forward to a seminar of writing at the Tea Tree Gully Library on Saturday 6th July hosted by Ginninderra Press.I have been selected to make some comments about the Ebook world of which I am entering soon(after a bad start in March 2012). I guess all writers have them and it is good to learn by mistakes.
